Frequently Asked Question

How old is the Lucent International School?
Lucent International School was founded in 2011.

Is the school co-educational?
Yes, Lucent International School is a co-educational Day cum Boarding School.

What is the teacher/student ratio?
The ratio is 1:22. The school is very particular that each student be provided individual care and attention at all times.

Are there any students from overseas?
Yes. The school admits students from various parts of the world including North America, UK, South East Asia, Brunei, Nepal , Bhutan ,Bangladesh etc.

Is the school affiliated to any educational body in India or overseas?
The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi.

What is the Address of Lucent International School ?
Lucent International School Address is Manduwala (Kothri), Suddhowala, Via Prem Nagar, Dehradun – 248007 Uttarakhand (India)

Does Lucent International School has separate Hostel for Boys and Girls?
Yes, Lucent International School separate hostel for Boys and Girls.

Which is the nearest Railway Station to Lucent International School ?
The nearest Railway Station is Dehradun Railway Station at a distance of 25 KMS to Lucent International School.

How far is Lucent International School from the nearest Railway Station?
Lucent International School is only 25 KMS away from Dehradun Railway Station.

Which is the nearest airport to Lucent International School ?
The nearest airport to Lucent International School is Jolly Grant Airport, Dehradun.

How far is Lucent International School from the Nearest Airport?
Lucent International School is only 45 KMS away from Jolly Grant Airport, Dehradun.

What is the Lucent International School Admission Process?
For Lucent International School Admission Procedure please follow the link

What is the average class size and teacher- student ratio of Lucent International School?
The average class size and student-teacher ratio of Lucent International School is 30 (Class Size) and 1:30 (Ratio)

What type of food is provided at Lucent International School?
Lucent International School is providing all kind of Food i.e. Veg. and Non. Veg.

How is the teaching faculty selected?
Appropriate educational qualifications, relevant experience, and a rigorous interview process are the selection criteria.

Does the school provide additional classes/tuition for students who need help with academics?
Yes. The school organizes additional classes and tuition for children who may need extra care in any subject.

How are students of Class XII prepared for the school leaving exams?
Class XII students are provided all possible assistance by the staff. A Career Counselor also offers advice on career options available to school leaving students.

What facilities are available for games and sports?
The school students may choose from a wide option of sports and games. These include cricket, football, hockey, badminton, table tennis, basketball, athletics, volleyball, yoga, and martial arts like Karate. A team of trained coaches provides guidance to the students to enable them to excel in sports and games.

What other co-curricular activities are offered?
Other co-curricular activities include music and dance, debating, dramatics, tours and treks, excursions etc.

Does the school have adequate medical facilities?
The school has a resident medical assistant, a doctor on daily visit and several medical specialists for expert medical care and advice.

When does the school close for vacations?
The summer vacations are from Mid May to Mid July. The winter vacations are from mid December to late January

Are students provided facilities for travel to school after vacations or for travel to their residence for vacations?
Yes. The school organizes air and rail bookings for students. A member of the staff also escorts students and receive students at the New Delhi Airport. A school bus facility is also provided.

What is the school fee?
Detailed information is available on the website as well as in the school prospectus. The prospectus may be obtained by writing to the school admission office.

How are the academic shortcomings of the residential students addressed?
Remedial classes are held in the evenings for the subjects children are weak in.

What do the children do on the weekends?
Certain age appropriate activities are organized in the campus and students are also taken out for day trips/picnics/movies.

When do residential students go for outings? Who accompanies them?
Residential students are sent for outings once in a month and are escorted by hostel wardens/ teachers.

When can the parents meet the children?
Parents are allowed to meet their wards once a month on Sundays. Parents can also take their child on the last Saturday for a night out and drop them back by 6 pm on Sunday.

What is the mode of communication between the children and their parents?
All hostels are equipped with landline phones and all boarders are permitted to speak with their parents for 20 mins a week. The phones are open for students for calling (only parents) from 8 pm to 9 pm daily.

Does the school offer any scholarships?
Limited part-scholarships are offered to meritorious students.